Thursday, February 28, 2008

Little People...

The new season of Little People Big World starts this coming Monday, March 3 @ 7pm (central) on TLC.

Yes, I love the show. Matt Roloff (the dad) is a stud. How a 4 foot tall crippled guy can accomplish all he has amazes me.

If you haven't seen should (you can catch up on other seasons by watching episodes on If you think you're too cool to watch're not.


Melanie said...

Glad to see you're back on the blog track and glad I caught up on all your posts. We are adding it to our blog roll so we can be sure to see all the humorous and insightful posts that you write.
By the way, Barrett and I just love hanging out with your fam! We got in the car last night after leaving your house with a sigh of relief that it was well needed...we got our Farris fill for the day! WE LOVE YOU GUYS!!

Shelby said...

kade and i have been watching the LPBW marathon today. can't wait for tomorrow night!