Friday, February 15, 2008

Save your comments...

I know...its been like 57 weeks since i left something here. Like most good habits in life...blogging takes effort. I resolve to put forth effort at being more consistent with this little writing thing.

Now that confession time is over...

2008 is well underway. I'm still plugging away at school. My days consist of things like Geology, US History and American Literature to name a few. It looks like we are facing 1 of 2 scenarios as far as when i will finish my degree.
#1 is that i have 4 semesters remaining, which is actually 3 since i'll take all the mini-terms that i possibly can including summer. #2 is that UNT will give me "Life Experience Credit" which is basically free hours for old people who've come back to school to begin a second career. You tell them what you've done with your life for the past 20 years and they say, "we'll give you this many hours." Or, they could say "we don't do that." So, that's where we are with school.

Life in general is blessed as usual. I know that when i resigned from my job in September and told people i was going to mow grass and go to school full-time, there were probably thoughts of, "those poor folks will be on food stamps soon." (which by the way, there is NOTHING wrong with food stamps :)). But, we haven't missed a beat. God continues to provide and other than "tightening our belts" a little, life is pretty much the same. Mowing season starts here in Texas in about 1 month and we're hoping to be overwhelmed with customers. We'll see.

In closing...if you're a reader (which you should be), i just finished a book that's short, easy to read and pretty challenging. Its called, "In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day" by Mark Batterson. Go pick it up.

Have a great weekend.


Kenny said...

Glad to see you're blogging again. I check back every week or two just to see if you've been writing. Now that you are, I'll subscribe to your feed!

Also glad to hear that you got some life credit. I know you were hoping for that. Well, thanks again for the help with the move and thanks for offering again when we actually move. You're the man!

Patrick J. Mehaffey said...

Good to see you're back...

I wanted to recommend a book...

The Shack

very good!!!
