Friday, March 7, 2008


Last night, we had some friends over for some taco soup and American Idol (can you believe cruella deville is still in it?!?). Some were expected and some surprised us but here's the point...

Life isn't complete without good friends.

One of the things that happens when you spend a long time in a public vocation (ministry, public office, etc) is that "people" become work. You spend so much of your working life dealing with people that (at least for me), you end up having somewhat of a social disorder, where being around people is no longer enjoyable. The reason, I think, is that when "people = work" for so eventually forget how to turn that off and just relax and enjoy their company.

When I resigned from "church ministry" in August of people tank was completely empty. What i realized in the months following was that I had not only allowed "people = work" but I just flat didn't like people anymore (My fault, not theirs). I didn't want to go anywhere, hang out, do stuff. I just wanted to sit at home (to the detriment of my sweet family who sat with me without complaining) and heal.

Well, 6 months we were on a Thursday night with a houseful of people and the only word i can use to describe it is...SWEET. I found myself just glad they were here and glad we have friends who wanted to be with us.

I realize that some reading this will think - "What a psycho". And my response would be that you surely should have figured that out before now.

To all our friends who came to hang out last night and those who didn't(and who love me in spite of myself)...thank you for loving the Farris family!

Find some friends...

Life is hard enough without trying to do it alone.

Have a great weekend.


J.T. said...


BrianMills247 said...

sup bro.. i just found your blog... hope all is well

Melanie said...

Can I just say from the Snare Clan that we are so glad YOU'RE BACK!!

We had a blast last night!

Shelby said...

i love the farris family. thanks for letting us hang out with you thurs night! :)